Character Sheet
Race: elf
Class: bard
Background: scholar/street urchin
“Perhaps my tribute can be payed in another way?” You say, strumming a chord on your lyre.
His mocking laughter echoes around you. “I will not bargain with you. I am your king and will do as you are bid. Now. Kneel.”
Undaunted, you begin to play, plucking out a soaring melody. The power of your music has served you thus far. You’re sure it will not fail you now.
You play, but your brother’s body remains silent.
The king seems unmoved. Then you begin to sing and the king growls, rising in the darkness to tower over you.
The fire within the brazier flares, exploding upwards in a whoosh of blistering heat. You stumble back and your playing falters. The fire turns green and its light fills the chamber.
You find yourself amidst a cavernous hall. Countless faces are carved into the dark stone of the walls, all pressed together, warped into expressions of agony and sorrow, and all watching you with cold, lifeless eyes. Your brother’s face must be amongst them, but you have no time to look.
Beyond the brazier, the king stands before his throne. He is tall and terrible, clad in a suit of black mail, etched with the likenesses of thousands upon thousands of tiny, scowling faces. In his hand is a man-length sword, and upon his brow is a crown wrought from the teeth of some mythical beast already ancient when the world was still young.
Where his face should be is nothingness, not even the blank, fleshy slate of his servants, but the sheer absence of anything. There’s something strangely familiar about him though.
He steps around the brazier towards you with an impossible grace. You retreat.
“Seize him!” The king roars.
Beside you, your brother’s body shudders.
Then your brother’s body grabs you. You struggle, but he holds you fast. His clammy grip is unbelievably strong.
“Why?” You ask in a weak voice.
The king laughs again, stepping over to you. “Do you not understand? I own his face.” He gestures over at a face on the wall. A likeness remarkably similar to your own. “He is mine to command.”
The king towers over you, shifting his grip on his sword. Then you suddenly realise why he’s familiar. You reach into your pocket and retrieve the stone bust. The stern and regal depiction of a head wears the same crown as the towering king.
He hesitates, for a moment transfixed, then takes a step back.
“Where… did you get that?” He asks.
Your brother loosens his grip.
Next episode - 29/01/25
Thank you for joining me on this adventure.
Tough choices this time around. Things are getting serious.