Character Sheet
Race: elf
Class: bard
Background: scholar/street urchin
Your brother’s body flails at the surrounding skeletons, slashing clumsily. The skeletons rake him with their claws, tearing at his grey flesh. One grabs him from behind. The spectre hangs in the air, watching from above.
You draw your dagger and slash at the nearest skeleton, catching it in the temple. Its skull shatters, but its body stays standing. Another reaches for you. You recoil, swatting away the outstretched claw.
Your brother’s body howls and starts a low, fearful hum. The skeletons are clambering all over him, teeth chattering as they try to pull him to the ground.
The headless skeleton slashes the air before you blindly. You rush forward, thrusting into the midst of its ribcage and it crumbles in dust. The more step forward to take its place, flanking you. One reaches for you. You pirouette to your left, directly into the slashing claws of the other. It shreds the skin down your back. You cry out in pain and shock, then pivot and fell it with a single diagonal strike. Another comes for you, then another and another, grasping and swiping, with incessantly chattering teeth.
In the midst of the horde your brother goes to his knees, humming in desperation. The skeletons bare down on him like a crashing undead wave. There are so many all around you. How will you save yourself, let alone your brother as well?
Pushing such thoughts aside, you shout a wordless battle cry and charge, slashing wildly. The skeletons claw at you as you shove your way through the throng, tearing apart the skin on your arms, chest and face. But you do not slow, nor stop. You hurtle forward, throwing the fragile creatures aside.
Then you’re beside your brother. The skeletons swarming over him round on you, chattering…endlessly chattering. The clamour of their mocking rings in your ears, drowning out all else.
You shove one skeleton back, fell another with your knife, then kick away a third.
Your brother’s body rises unsteadily, wavering on his feet. The sword hangs limp in his hand and dark blood oozes from the countless gashes spread across him.
The skeletons close in behind you, blocking your escape. They’re all around the two of you, everywhere. Your brother’s humming is subdued, soft and sad, nearly inaudible beneath the clattering. Blood runs into your eye from a cut in your forehead. You wipe it away.
The two of you are halfway between the open gate and the whispering well.
Thank you for joining me on this adventure.
Where the hell is the treasure pile!? We're more fudged than Augustus Gloop in a chocolate factory.
Ai yi yi! I think my choice is a bit “head in the sand” but who knows what will happen with the harmonies?