Character Sheet
Race: elf
Class: bard
Background: scholar/street urchin
You lean on your thighs for a moment, letting your ragged breathing slow. You’re dizzy and exhausted, but you dare not stop to rest lest you lay down and never stand again. Your wounds weep blood and throb in time to your heartbeat. But they’re shallow and already the bleeding slows.
A soft whispering reaches you from the yawning gate, beckoning you onwards. You let out a sigh, then straighten yourself up. Your brother’ body and spectre are already standing within the arched threshold, looking back at you, waiting for you to join them.
You nod to them. “In a moment,” you say, swaying on your feet, trying to blink away your dizziness.
You cross the chamber to where one of the mounds of treasure is piled haphazardly against the wall. Here stacks of gold and silver and gemstones sparkle and glisten, almost with a light of their own. You kneel and search through this trove you find jewel encrusted chalices and diamond studded rings, circlets, bangles, and countless ancient coins adorned with faceless kings.
Then buried within a mound of coins and sparkling gems you uncover a small lyre wrought of gold and embedded with glowing emeralds. Its strings are woven from silver thread, and bronze scrollwork dances across its frame. An instrument truly fit for one who would play before the gods themselves. A lyre wouldn’t be your first choice. The lute was always your favourite, but it feels good to hold an instrument in your hand again.
You strike a soft C major chord. The silvery strings ring crisp and clear throughout the chamber. From where he awaits before the gate, your brother’s body hums a harmonious tone.
You spend a few more moments pocketing coins and gems and rings. Small things that weigh little and will be easy to barter with when you return to the world above. When all is done, you will be wealthy indeed.
As you claim your loot, you come across a bust carved from polished stone, so small it fits in the palm of your hand. Amongst all this wondrous treasure, it should seem a plain and unremarkable thing, yet there’s something about it… This bust, unlike every other within this tomb, bears a face. It is stern with grim eyes and an angular, almost reptilian countenance. The face of the king for whom this tomb was built?
You pocket it, before rising to rejoin your brother’s body and spectre.
You nod to them, and they nod back. Then the body turns and leads the way through the gate. The hall within is richly adorned with bright, bejewelled frescos of regal faceless figures doing battle with creatures, both monstrous and terrible. With every step, the passage slopes subtly downwards, and the whispering grows louder and more distinct, almost forming comprehensible words. Now there is no mistaking the voice of your brother beckoning to you.
Eventually the passage opens out into an enormous cavern, so huge the roof and far side are lost in the darkness. Instead of a floor, the ground gives way to a crystalline lake, gently lapping at the shore where the passage ends. By the shore awaits a narrow boat seemingly carved of polished bone with a dim lantern hung from its prow. On board, a hunched figure awaits, leaning on a long pole. The hood of his ragged robe is so deep that his face cannot be seen.
“Far beyond, my lord awaits,” he says in a voice rough as grinding stone. He gestures vaguely across the lake. “Your coming has long been expected.”
“You’ll take me to him?” You ask.
“I will.”
You take a step towards the boat.
“But only if the price is right.”
“What price?”
He chuckles. The sound sends a shiver up your spine. “Make an offer and we shall see.”
Thank you for joining me on this adventure.
Oh man, now we're back in business. I was slightly tempted to swim the lake...
The poll is already closed? So I’m voting for the song.